Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My new year resolution

I can't stretch enough how much I love, love, love food. That is why I admire people who can really go on a diet; to renounce pizza, candy, ice cream shows ultimate strength to me. However, this year, I was a part of what I call the "healthy new year's resolution people". My friends and I always joked about how many black women never lose the baby weight. We laugh about it, but it is true. There is also the joke about black women being extinct at the gym. Well, I believe that there is a correlation between those two things. For whatever reason, most of us black women simply do not like to exercise. Many of us would go with the dieting, but as far as the cardio part, we just don't care for. It is a beautiful thing to me, when I see mothers running outside early in the morning. Unfortunately, 8 times out of 10, it is a white woman.
That is why in January, I made the decision to start training for a 5k. I figured it is easier to get into the habit while I'm young; and hopefully, it will stick even after I have children. So I was very excited, and I began to search the web for tips on what to do to train for marathons. Well, I had forgotten one important detail: nutrition. Well, surprisingly, it really was not that bad. A runner's diet consists of a lot of proteins, and carbs, which I love. I was very pleased to know that I did not have to change my diet drastically. Of course, I had to give up soda, which I was never really a big fan of. I also had to take up a lot of whole grain products, and avoid foods with excess sugar.
 Well, I started my training the 3rd week of January. My first mile was at 12 minutes, and now I got it down to 9 :). The goal is 8, so we'll see. I'm definitely ready for a 5k now, but I'm working on my time. O and I dropped about 10 lbs this year, which doesn't sound like a lot, but that's not accounting the fact that I did put on some muscle weight ;)
If you hate exercising as much as I do, the goal is to find something you can enjoy; training for something is always good. Try taking up swimming, tennis, running, or whatever it is that works for you. Stop focusing so much on your weight. I'm not the skinniest I've ever been right now, but I'm in the best shape of my life. If you set your mind on being healthy, the rest will take care of itself; the way you eat will change, and you will even grow to enjoy exercising. What is your thing?
2013 is our year ladies, let's start taking care of ourselves. Peace, love, joy, and light :)

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